Sunday, August 5, 2012

Radio Star

I am taking part in Southern Hospitality's Thrifty Treasures today, because I wanted to share my latest find with you.  I had some friends in town last weekend but that didn't stop me from thrifting.  I just made them go with me!  Actually my friend was happy to check out an estate sale and a couple of yard sales.  We found this adorable vintage radio.  My friend said it reminded her of her grandfather.  She couldn't take it back with her, but my sentimental side won out and it came home with me.  It doesn't work, but that doesn't bother me.  I like how it looks sitting on a shelf.

SouthernHospThriftyTreasures copy_thumb


  1. What a fun radio! (Good thing it wouldn't fit in your friend's suitcase.)

    1. You are right...the airline's baggage rules worked in my favor on this one!
